1300 267 739 (CORPEX)
Corporate Express, we are an indispensable resource to
accountants, solicitors and business.

Newsletter - July 2009

The team at Corporate Express wishes all our clients a 'Happy New Financial Year'. It appears that 2010 promises to be another challenging year for some businesses, however we have noticed an upturn in activity in the last quarter of 2009 and we are confident that the trend will continue. 1 July is the usual date for changes to government fees and this year is no exception. There is good news and bad news.

Our commitment to you

We are committed to providing you with the most valuable and efficient service during the 2010 financial year by continuing to upgrade our website and 'Maq', our outsourcing and company secretarial program.

We have realised that not all of our clients are aware of all of the services we offer, so each month our 'little blue man' will highlight one particular area. Watch out for the 'specials' which will be available from time to time.

The Good News

Effective from 1 July 2009, the Office of State Revenue has amended its Cheque Acceptance Policy for Duties.

For amounts up to $600 the OSR will now accept:

For amounts between $600 and $5,000 the OSR will only accept:

For amounts over $5,000 the OSR will only accept:

The Bad News

From 1 July 2009 the city office of the Office of State Revenue permanently closed for the purpose of over the counter stamping. In lieu of this service the OSR has established a document drop off point located at the Department of Lands Head Office at 1 Prince Albert Road, Queens Square Sydney.

All documents dropped off at this point will be sent off to the OSR's Parramatta office to be assessed and stamped.

How can we assist?

We can stamp some documents in-house, such as Trusts and share transfers with nominal duty and within the NSW jurisdiction. Our fee for this service is $38.50 (GST inclusive) per transaction.

In respect of other documents we offer a lodgment and follow up service for a fee of $38.50 (GST inclusive) per transaction. The benefits to you of this service are:

A Bit More Bad News

From 1 July 2009 most of the fees for services provided by the NSW Office of Fair Trading will be increased to reflect the rise in the CPI since the last fee adjustment.

The fee for an Application for Registration of a Business Name has increased by $6.00 to $152. Accordingly our fee for providing this same day over-the-counter service for our clients is now $266 (GST and OFT fee inclusive).

How can you feel good? Sponsor us on the City to Surf and support Cure our Kids.

Our goal is to raise $1000 for this amazing charity. So far we have raised $350. All sponsorships in excess of $2 are tax deductible. Just click below and help us on our way. Every $ helps. Don't be shy you can donate anonymously.

City 2 Surf Sponsorship Page

Our postal address

If you are sending anything to us by mail please use our GPO Box address set out below rather than our street address. The GPO Box address is more secure and delivery is faster.

GPO Box 3712 SYDNEY NSW 2001


The information provided in this document is for your general information only. It is not intended that anyone adopt this information to their personal circumstances without first seeking professional advice.

To view or download this newsletter in pdf please click here 

Why use Corporate Express?

Our experienced and dedicated team can give your business the edge by providing:

Company incorporations from $751

We provide fast and economical company incorporations, trusts and self-managed superannuation funds.

Choose between our online or full service ordering.
Our fully compliant documents are drafted, reviewed and updated by our expert consultants: HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, Vale Legal Pty Limited.

Corporate secretarial services

Focus on what you do best while we assist you with your company changes and ASIC compliance.

We offer a comprehensive outsourcing service for businesses large and small.


see what our clients say about us

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